operating room1 small.jpg (3447 bytes)

Minutes after birth 1 (April 21st)

operation room2 small.jpg (3792 bytes)

Minutes after birth 2 (April 21st)

operating room3 small.jpg (3377 bytes)

Minutes after birth 3 (April 21st)

dave and sue in operating room small.jpg (4004 bytes)

Dave holding Allison in operating room 1 (April 21st)

dave and sue in operating room small.jpg (4162 bytes)

Dave holding Allison in operating room 2 (April 21st)

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Sue holding Allison in the recovery room (April 21st)

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Dave holding Allison (April 22nd)

allison sleeps small.jpg (3651 bytes)

Allison sleeps (April 22nd)

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Grandma and Sue (April 22nd)

alli and roommate small.jpg (3657 bytes)

Allison and roommate (April 23rd)

dr t and sue small.jpg (3224 bytes)

Dr Tenembaum and Sue holding Allison (April 24th)

leaving hospital small.jpg (3546 bytes)

The family leaves the hospital (April 24th)

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